Monday, July 1, 2013

Hi My Name Is Stella & I Love My Mom

Note from Elizabeth: We have a guest blogger here on Becoming Elizabeth Again today: Stella. She's a little bit of a strange character—she always dresses completely in black, even when it's extremely hot outside, and she's always talking about how much she misses her mom, who is currently on vacation. I mean, she can't even write. Literally. But she's let me transcribe some blog posts for her to express her feelings—of which she has many, and which she prefers to write in haiku form. 

Day 1
I saw it coming.
My mom is gone forever.
She packed many bags.

I begged her to stay.
She left me with this lady
who I really hate.

She talks to me as
if I could talk back somehow.
She tries to bribe me

with ice cubes, but how
can I enjoy them now? Sigh.
Life is very sad.

Day 2
The lady is still
here and my mom is still gone.
Do I deserve this?

Day 3
Transitioned from sad
to angry today. Lady
is watching Harry 

Potter. Think I can
convince her that I'm The Grim?
I'm real menacing.

Day 5
Spirits were lifted
enough to enjoy slaying
pigs again today.

Don't get me wrong—I'm
still distraught about my mom.
But just not as much.

That's all from me right
now. More tribulations and
trials later this week.

With very smelly breath,


  1. She's so dramatic! I love it.

  2. LOL! THE ICE CUBES. Hahahahahahahhaha. Lick. lick. I caaaaaan't.
