Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Elizabeth—Resolute and Ready to Go!

Well, I wrote my first (and only) blog post for Becoming Elizabeth Again near about seven months ago … and then just let it slide. Classic procrastinating Elizabeth. It’s been a month and a half since the start of the new year—can anyone believe it’s 2013?!—and I want to make sure I am successful in my resolutions, which I really do believe will help me Become Elizabeth Again (the Elizabeth I want to be, as per my previous blog post). Based on the book I’m reading (see more about it and its awesomeness below), making your goals public really does help you achieve them, so I’m telling the world about my plans for 2013 in the hopes that it’ll help me out!

I made six New Year’s Resolutions—probably five too many, but I’m going to do my best to see them all through! They are:

1)    Read at least one book every month.
a.     This shouldn’t be challenging, but it has become so since I graduated from college. I’m a little slow on this resolution—but not for lack of interest. My current read, “Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength” by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney, is absolutely riveting! I can say with confidence that it is among the most fascinating and helpful books I have ever read. I would recommend it to anyone—ANYONE—regardless of how they feel about their own reserve of willpower. It’s just a really cool book!
2)    Watch all movies I haven’t seen on the AFI Top 100 lists.
a.     Between the original list and the tenth anniversary list, there are 123 movies total, 80 of which I hadn’t seen at the start of this year. I thought I’d better make one of my resolutions fun—and sure enough, it’s the one I’m doing best on so far! Watching movies on the AFI lists has been easy, thanks to the great film selection at the Boyle County Public Library. So far, I’ve knocked out six of the movies I have to watch before year’s end. They are:
                                               i.     The Shawshank Redemption: 4/5 stars
                                             ii.     A Night at the Opera—worth watching to see Chico and Harpo’s musical skills! 4.5/5 stars
                                            iii.     Rear Window: 4.5/5 stars
                                            iv.     Tootsie—sorry, but why is this considered one of the best movies of all time? 3.5/5 stars
                                             v.     Blade Runner—this did not have the resolution I was expecting, and not to sound pretentious, but it would have been better if it had! 3/5 stars
                                            vi.     Dances with Wolves—I had a hard time watching this without thinking of how it is a perfect example of ‘Pocahontas Syndrome.’ 4/5 stars
b.     I keep a list of every movie I watch, and I have been knocking it out of the park in terms of movie-watching this year. Here are all the other movies I’ve seen in 2013:
                                               i.     Lawless—who knew bootlegging could be so gory? 3/5 stars
                                             ii.     Trouble With the Curve: 4/5 stars
                                            iii.     Dark Shadows: 3.5/5 stars
                                            iv.     My Week with Marilyn: 4.5/5 stars
                                             v.     The Words—what the hell happened at the end of this movie?! 3/5 stars
                                            vi.     Looper—I seriously want to watch this again, it was so confusing and original: 4/5 stars
                                          vii.     Beasts of the Southern Wild—I was not as enamored with this as everyone else seems to be: 4/5 stars
                                         viii.     Bill Cunningham New York—SO GOOD, WATCH IT: 5/5 stars
                                            ix.     Fool’s Gold: 3.5/5 stars
                                              x.     Arbitrage—that ending is seriously depressing: 3.5/5 stars
                                            xi.     Total Recall—actually pretty cool: 4/5 stars
                                           xii.     21 Jump Street: 3/5 stars
                                         xiii.     Warm Bodies—the only movie I’ve seen this year in theatres: 4/5 stars
                                         xiv.     Moneyball—my historian self cannot STAND purposeful anachronisms: 3.5/5 stars
                                           xv.     Perks of Being a Wallflower—MUCH, MUCH better than expected: 4/5 stars
                                         xvi.     Flight—sobering. NO REALLY. Pun very much intended. 4/5 stars
                                        xvii.     Lockout—why is this movie not more popular? So entertaining! Snow is Tony Stark’s equal for witty banter and personality! 4.5/5 stars
3)    Complete a writing project and submit somewhere.
a.     I’ve been really focused on one manuscript in a way I haven’t been in a long time. I’ve actually been writing! Yay! I fully intend on devoting a good four hours a day to this manuscript once my job ends this summer. Oh, it’s on, manuscript. It’s on.
4)    Make exercising for at least 30 minutes part of my daily routine.
a.     I’ve really not done well on this one, and it’s probably the most important in terms of my wellbeing. I really have to do better. I have such health anxiety, and I know that so much of it would abate if I were in better shape. I don’t have any confidence in my body—in fact, I ignore it as much as possible. And I don’t like that about myself. So it’s gonna change, dammit!
5)    Participate in a service project.
a.     I’ve not done well on this front, either. I don’t want it to be arbitrary—I want it to be something I really care about, so I’m taking my time choosing how to make it important.
6)   Be on time!
a.     I used to be early everywhere I went, but over the last year, I’ve become terrible at being late everywhere I go—especially to work. There are days when I’m doing much better at this, but I’ve still got a ways to go before it becomes habit again.

On top of my resolutions for 2013, I’m also currently doing a Lenten Challenge as a way to kick some bad habits I’ve picked up while living on my own this year. It’s a staggered challenge, where I add something more difficult each week. For this first week, I’ve given up fast food, which I have become entirely too reliant on. This first week has gone well—much better than I expected, actually. We’ll see how much more difficult it becomes tomorrow, when I add soft drinks on top of that. The only soft drink I have on a regular basis is Sprite, but I drink it so much now without the ease of having a water cooler in my apartment like we did at home. I hope I can get back into reaching for water first without thinking about it.

The next steps in my Lenten Challenge are to give up dessert the next week, then go gluten free the week after that, and finally, to end by doing the Paleo diet. I’m excited to try these things, though to be honest, if I am unsuccessful at being gluten-free or doing the Paleo diet, I don’t consider those challenges as important as giving up fast food, soft drinks and dessert. I think I CAN be gluten-free and do the Paleo diet, though, so I’m going into it with the mindset that I can succeed!

Well, this blog post was exceedingly long—and probably boring for anyone but me. But I’m going to keep up with it in the belief that it’ll help me reach my goals! Check back next week to see what other movies I’ve watched, how my Lenten diet is going, and whether or not I made it to work on time. Riveting stuff—try to contain your excitement!

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