Sunday, March 24, 2013

Moving Right Along

Hello, world! I’m feeling good coming off a really nice weekend—it wasn’t nearly long enough (they never are), but instead of just lying around like I usually end up doing, I actually accomplished some things. Which actually makes me feel so much better than not doing anything. I guess that’s pretty obvious for some people, but it’s still a revelation for me.

Here’s how I’m doing with my New Year’s Resolutions:

1)    Read a book every month: Still truckin’ on Something’s Rising, but I plan on finishing it before the end of the month!
2)    Watch every movie on the AFI 100 lists: I’m movin’ right along on this resolution! Because it’s fun. Here’s what I watched over the past week and a half:
a.     Chinatown—4/5 stars: I had already been spoiled for the ending of this movie, which might actually be a good thing, because I would have been totally blindsided otherwise—not in a good way! Still, I really enjoyed the quick pace and the great acting.
b.     The Best Years of Our Lives—4/5 stars: It’s nice to have a reminder that popular culture in the early Cold War years wasn’t all smiles and songs. This was a great look at the affects of war, and an honest exploration of complex relationships. Harold Russell, the only actor to win two Academy Awards for the same role, is amazing.
c.     Saving Private Ryan—4/5 stars: Wow. I’m still a little numb. This movie was so harrowing—but again, it’s an honest look at war and how harrowing it is.
d.     Here are some of the other movies I watched this week:
                                               i.     Skyfall—4.5/5 stars: I really enjoyed this movie, and I’m not necessarily a ‘Bond’ person. I love a good conspiracy theory, so I totally buy into the one that M is Bond’s mom. Don’t argue with me. This was a beautifully shot movie—the scenescapes at the end were entrancing.
                                             ii.     Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away—3/5 stars: Not as magical as I anticipated. I didn’t realize it was just repurposed acts from other Cirque shows. Didn’t make for a very good narrative.
                                            iii.     Oz: The Great and Powerful—3/5 stars: Meh. Maybe if I had seen it in 3D, it would have seemed more magical, but I don’t think it could ever have come close to the magic of The Wizard of Oz. Some parts that they clearly did just for the 3D version were actually really scary—at one point, a witch appears all of a sudden and I literally jumped out of my seat.
3)    Finish a writing project and submit it somewhere: I’ve written a little bit more of my story, ANON, but not a whole lot. I plan on doing a big chunk of work this summer, after my job at Centre comes to an end—I can’t wait! (I mean, I can’t wait to work on my story … )
4)    Exercise for 30 minutes every day: Still working on this, but I did some Zumba this week and went on walks on pleasant days. Can’t wait ‘til spring has sprung—it’ll be nice to spend more time outside.
5)    Be on time: Well, this was an absolute disaster every day this past week! I have had a terrible time getting to sleep lately, which makes getting up in the morning doubly hard. This is just an excuse, I know, so I’m continuing to work on it, and am going to try new things this week to make this resolution easier to accomplish.

As for my Lenten resolutions, we’re now one week until Easter, so I’m in the final stretch. I pretty much abandoned the end of my resolutions, to go gluten-free and to do the Paleo diet. After doing some reading up on gluten-free foods, I realized that that might not actually be the best thing, since I don’t have a gluten intolerance. And I really do want to try the Paleo diet sometime, but I only have so much willpower, and I just couldn’t take that final leap. When I’m not focused on keeping up with so many other resolutions and rules, I will focus myself in that direction.

Here’s to another week in this wonderful life o’ mine, and to becoming the person I know I can be! If anyone is reading this blog, good luck on your goals, too!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keeping Up With Elizabeth

Another week and a half has passed in this wonderful life o’ mine, and though it’s been a kind of off week for me in terms of keeping up with my resolutions, I’m going to write about them anyway. Here’s my progress for this past week:

1)   Reading a book a month
a.     Well, I’m still behind on this count, but I finished Willpower: Rediscovering Our Greatest Human Strength! Such a great book. Next, I’m going back and finishing Something’s Rising by Silas House and Jason Howard, which I began late last year and never completed, despite it being a fascinating read. I’m definitely going to catch up on this resolution by the end of this month!
2)   Watching every movie on the AFI 100 lists
a.     I watched two movies on my AFI list in the past week and a half:
                                               i.     In the Heat of the Night: 4.5/5 stars—Sidney Poitier is wonderful (and has the most beautiful hands I’ve ever seen). Sadly, some of the scenes of this movie still seem like they could happen today.
                                              ii.     The Wild Bunch: 3.5/5 stars—I expected to like this movie much more than I did. It was like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (one of my absolute favorites), except overly long, overly confusing, and overly gory.
b.     I also watched a few non-AFI movies as well:
                                               i.     The Lucky One: 3.5/5 stars—Zac Efron is so gorgeous, but the climax of the movie was absolutely ridiculous.
                                              ii.     Iron Man 2: 3.5/5 stars—Nice to see Tony Stark humanized and working with other people, but his trademark wit and sarcasm were a little lacking, and it wasn’t as much of a romp as I expected.
                                            iii.     Captain America: 4/5 stars—a little bit different than your usual superhero movie. I already bet my friend Alex that they won’t let that tragic ending stand in the sequel next year!
                                            iv.     Dredd: 2.5/5 stars—ugh. This movie has a fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but really, I cannot see why.
c.      I have to discuss the Oscars, which I watch every year. I am not a huge fan of Seth MacFarlane, so I wasn’t expecting to enjoy his humor very much—and I didn’t, really. But there were great moments (i.e. the Von Trapp Family Singers joke; the musical numbers in the beginning with Channing Tatum, Charlize Theron, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Daniel Radcliffe).
                                               i.     I have to say, I took umbrage with the tribute to great musicals of the last ten years. They only paid tribute to three of them: Chicago, Dreamgirls and Les Miserables. I understand that these three were the most critically-acclaimed of the bunch, but really? You’re going to leave out Enchanted, The Princess and the Frog—even High School Musical? As silly as HSM is, those TV movies got a whole generation of young people into musicals again. I couldn’t believe they ignored those films. The tribute with Hugh Jackman several years ago blew this one out of the water.
3)   Complete a writing project and submit it somewhere
a.     I’m still working on my ‘manuscript,’ which I have titled ANON. It’s hard to keep writing scenes when I feel like my writing doesn’t do the story justice, but getting words on paper is more important than being in love with them immediately. So I’m just plugging on with this story—which I really believe in!
4)   Exercise
a.     The weather has really been great the past few days, which makes me much more inclined to exercise outside. I’m still working on exercising every day, but I’ll get there!
5)   Being on time
a.     This has not been going well this week, and that’s all I have to say about that.

My Lenten challenge escalated, with my giving up soft drinks and desserts. It has been much harder than I expected—giving up fast food hasn’t affected me much, but since there are sodas and desserts everywhere I look, it’s harder to resist. Especially since I literally got an email this morning saying my Girl Scout cookie order just came in. GRUMBLE. But I’m still doing well in my challenge—in fact, I take pride in seeing this thing through!

I’ve been a little down lately—two people I really like left my office on the same day to move on to other ventures, and I’ve been feeling old (with my 24th birthday) and fat (because, well, let’s face it). I still have this habit of talking myself out of doing things that I know would make me feel better—like Zumba or writing. My real hope is that, someday in the near future, some other voice will emerge from inside of me that will counter the one that makes bad decisions. I just have to learn how to cultivate it!